Rheanna Trepanier’s Bucket List Music Video & Radio Debut
Rheanna Trepanier is a bright and brave 10 year old girl on a mission to achieve her dreams. Just a few months ago, Rheanna was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Ever since Rheanna and her family were struck with the devastating news, they have sought to make every second count. Rheanna has created a bucket list and has since been crossing off item after item, creating one memorable experience after another. From meeting Connor McDavid, to visiting Legoland, being a zoo keeper for a day, and even driving a tank, Rheanna has already been able to realize so many of the things she dreamed of doing.
Our team at Resonate Music School & Studio recently partnered with the Kids with Cancer Society to donate a rock star recording studio experience. The intention was to offer one special individual the opportunity to use our space and musicians to create their very own song from scratch. That individual ended up being Rheanna, and her song is all about her journey of accomplishing her bucket list.
Mikey Hamm, a local videographer, also donated his time to come into the studio and film the process, creating the music video you see at the top of this page.
Rheanna has been a true inspiration. She is a reminder that life is precious, we should take nothing for granted, and most of all, that we should make every second count. Rheanna, we thank you for letting us be a part of your story. This song is yours and it will last forever.
To top it all off, Rheanna got the opportunity to debut her song live on the radio at Hot 107 Edmonton! You can click here to hear Rheanna with Lisa Evans and Ryder from Hot 107 reading some of the awesome feedback from their listeners.

Rheanna Trepanier with Lisa Evans from Hot 107 Edmonton for the radio debut of her song, “Bucket List”
To learn more about Rheanna, please visit her Facebook Page Rheanna’s Bucket List