Resonate Referral Program Policies
Resonate Referral Program Policies
The new Resonate Referral Program rewards both the referred student and the student/family that does the referring.
The referred student will receive a savings of $25.00 in the form of their membership registration fee being waived.
The student/family who does the referring will receive a discount on their next month’s tuition. The discounts are based on a three tier system with each increasing tier also increasing the discount amount. Students/families advance through the tiers as they refer more students.
The Tiers are as follows:
TIER 1: Entourage
Referrals: 1-4*
Discount: $25.00**
TIER 2: Rock Star
Referrals: 5-9*
Discount: $37.50**
TIER 3: Hall of Fame
Referrals: 10+*
Discount: $50.00**
*new membership students
**discount on the next month’s tuition, per membership student referred
The referrals are based on a per-person basis, not on a per-membership basis. Meaning that if someone refers a student who signs up for 60 minute lessons, that would still count as just one referral, not two. The referred student(s) have to be signing up for a membership to qualify for this program. Drop-in lessons do not count.
The discounted tuition is always applied to the next upcoming month.
If a family who does the referring has multiple children, the tuition discount only applies to one of the membership contracts. They would not get the discount applied to all students/contracts under that family account.
The tuition discount cannot be used as a credit towards any merchandise or studio services. The discount is strictly applied to the upcoming month of membership lessons.
Students/families have to be active to receive discounts on their tuition.
Once a student/family reaches a new tier, they never go backwards to the previous tier.
If a student/family terminates their membership but later returns to lessons, they would not reset to the first tier. Their tally of referrals continues to build over time.
Inactive families can continue to amass referrals and move through the tiers but would not realize any discounts until they return to an active status. Any referrals made during a period of inactivity would count to their total but would not correspond to a discount. For example, if someone cancels lessons and while away from lessons refers two people, they would not have a credit on file for those referrals to be used when they return. I.e., only active families receive the discount, but both inactive and active families will have their referrals count toward their total and can move up through the tiers.